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Carolyn Feldschuh
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Max Feldschuh- Oge, Tin Tin Deo - Jazz vibraphone with African drums.
Carolyn Feldschuh712 views
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Max Feldschuh & Hannah Antolin - Everything Happens To Me - Jazz vibraphone & piano
Carolyn Feldschuh590 views
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Max Feldschuh - The Emperor by Teddy Charles - Oberlin Jazz
Carolyn Feldschuh935 views
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Willow Weep For Me - Part 2 - Max Feldschuh, Jazz vibraphone, Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Carolyn Feldschuh351 views
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Willow Weep For Me - Part 1 - Max Feldschuh, Jazz vibraphone, Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Carolyn Feldschuh806 views