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The Lady Hoofers "A Little Party"
SMiLE01214641 views
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Charlie Brown Christmas
SMiLE01214112 views
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"Mooning" Grease, Cherokee HS 2013
SMiLE012147.4K views
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"Shakin at the High School Hop", Grease, Cherokee HS 2013, Marlton, NJ
SMiLE0121419K views
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Hand Jive, Grease 2013, Cherokee HS Marlton NJ
SMiLE012143K views
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"I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here" Annie, 2012, Cherokee HS
SMiLE0121431K views
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"Tomorrow" "Annie" FDR Cabinet
SMiLE012148.9K views
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"It's a Hard Knock Life" Annie 2012
SMiLE012141.8K views
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"Smile" Annie Cherokee 2012
SMiLE012141.2K views
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"Easy Street" Annie, Cherokee HS 2012
SMiLE0121420K views