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George London
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Great Scenes From Wagner (Hans Knappertsbusch - The Opera Edition: Volume 8)
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Wagner: Parsifal – 1962 Recording (Hans Knappertsbusch - The Opera Edition: Volume 6)
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Brahms: Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45
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Leopold Stokowsky conducts Mahler Symphony No. 8
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Mozart: Bass Arias
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Wagner: Der fliegende Holländer, WWV 63 (Live)
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Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 "Choral" (Live)
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Klemperer Live: Cologne Vol. 5 — Concert 17 October 1955 (Historical Recording)
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Mozart: Don Giovanni
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Schubert: Heine-Lieder - Ibert: Chansons de Don Quichitte - Mussorgsky: Lieder und Tanze des Todes
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Wagner: Les maîtres chanteurs de Nuremberg, extraits (Mono Version)
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George London. "Abendlich strahlt der Sonne Auge". TV, 1962.
JaviH74K views
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The Marriage of Figaro: Act 3, "E Susanna non vien?... Dove sono"
ClassicalMomentsRec881 views
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Erda's Warning - Das Rheingold - Bayreuth 1976
WeicheWotan45K views
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12 Bin ich nun frei? Wirklich frei? - Das Rheingold - Highlights - Richard Wagner
SirParsifal1.4K views
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"Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo" Cosí fan tutte - George London (with score!) 1080p HD
Old School Singers6.6K views
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Ewa Podles sings Erda in Das Rheingold LIVE 2005 in Seattle
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