Initial D - The Top! [AMV] +Lyrics
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"Tearin'Up The Streets [ Metal Maniacs ]" by Kelly Lee McCartney and Man-D - AST#9
"Anything But Down" by Chris Holmes - AST#4
"Acceleracers Theme [ Remix ]" [ Bonus ] by Robbie Wycoff - AST#13
"Open Road Song" by Eve 6 - AST#12
"Hot Rod" by Christopher Lawrence - AST#11
"Pedal To The Metal" by Kazzer - AST#10
"Tearin'Up The Streets [ Metal Maniacs ]" by Kelly Lee McCartney and Man-D - AST#9
"Get to The Finish Line [ Metal Maniacs ]" by Jim Kaufman - AST#8
"Drag Race [ Metal Maniacs ]" by Cliff Rigano, John and Steven Taylor - AST#7