1 Israel in Egypt: Part I, Lamentation of the Israelites for the Death of Joseph, The Righteous SHall Be Had in Everlasting Remembrance (Chorus) (1739 Version) Trinity Choir, Trinity Baroque Orchestra & George Frideric Handel
3 Israel in Egypt: Part I, Lamentation of the Israelites for the Death of Joseph (Chorus) (I, 1739 Version) Trinity Choir, Trinity Baroque Orchestra & George Frideric Handel
4 Israel in Egypt: Part I, Overture (1756 Version) Trinity Choir, Trinity Baroque Orchestra & George Frideric Handel
5 Israel in Egypt: Part III, Moses' Song, Sing Ye to the Lord (Solo and Chorus) (1739 & 1756 Versions) Trinity Choir, Trinity Baroque Orchestra & George Frideric Handel
1920s Christmas Music -Trinity Choir - Birthday Of A King @Pax41 Pax41 Music Time Machine • 6.2K views
"The Birthday of a King", Samantha Williams and Trinity Choir Alfred Street Baptist Church • 1.4K views