National Anthem of France (1804-1814) - 'Chant du Départ' (Reupload)
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National Anthem of France (1852-1870) - 'Partant pour la Syrie' (Reupload)
National Anthem of France (1848-1852) - 'Le Chant des Girondins' (Reupload)
National Anthem of France (1830-1848) - 'La Parisienne' (Reupload)
National Anthem of France (1815-1830) - 'Le Retour des Princes Français à Paris' (Reupload
National Anthem of Switzerland - 'Schweizerpsalm' (Reupload)
National Anthem of China (1978-1982) [Unofficial] 'March of the Volunteers' ('义勇军进行曲') RE-UPLOAD
TRIBUTE TO DEUTSCHES VATHERLAND - National Anthem of the German Empire -"Heil Dir Im Siegerkranz"
The Internationale (Chinese Version) - '英特纳雄耐尔' (Reupload)
Soviet Patriotic Song - 'March of Enthusiasts' (Reupload)