Best Piano Version of a Guitar Piece - Barrios: La Catedral - Preludio - Horst Klee, Piano
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Best guitar player of all time: Presti & Lagoya - Chaconne G-Major - REMASTERED!
PDF / Manuel De Falla: Danza del Molinero - The Miller's Dance / Horst Klee, Guitar
Most difficult guitar piece: Diabelli / Bream - Sonata A - Major (F-Major)
PDF / First Recording: Wenzel Matiegka - Menuett A Major - Horst Klee, Guitar
Mozart: Fantasia d-minor/ Fantasie d-moll - Horst Klee, Piano
Parkening plays the German National Anthem with Variations
Fernando Sor: Minuet op. 25 C-Major - Horst Klee, Guitar
JoaquinTurina: Sonata Op. 61- Horst Klee, Guitar - Score Video
Adele - Skyfall - James Bond - PDF - Horst Klee, Piano
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Spanish and Latin American Guitar Music
Classic and Romantic Music - Horst Klee, Guitar
Easy pieces of my repertoire - Horst Klee, Guitar
Baroque music for guitar - Horst Klee, Guitar
Guitar music by Manuel Ponce
Rock pieces - Horst Klee, guitar
Impressionistic music - Horst Klee, Guitar & Piano
Music by Silvius Weiss - Horst Klee, Guitar
Selected compositions - Horst Klee, Guitar