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David Vallet
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Live Session - YOU SAID STRANGE "The Way to the Holy War (Jesus)"
David Vallet9.7K views
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LES WAMPAS "Touche Pipi" (Extrait de LES WAMPAS FOR THE ROCK 3)
David Vallet6.5K views
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BOW LOW - Happy hunting undergrounds (clip officiel)
David Vallet6K views
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ICI PARIS Princesse (live 2013)
David Vallet537 views
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ICI PARIS si tu m'aimais encore (live 2013)
David Vallet2.8K views
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ICI PARIS "petit rubis" (unplugged 2013)
David Vallet2.4K views
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ICI PARIS "la fusée de ton retour" (unplugged 2013)
David Vallet10K views
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ICI PARIS "Maman je ne veux plus aller à l'école" (best quality audio)
David Vallet12K views
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ICI PARIS "le retour du professeur Parkson" (2012)
David Vallet12K views
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ICI PARIS "choisir son camp" (version acoustique)
David Vallet2.8K views
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Clips réalisés par David Vallet
PlaylistDavid Vallet86 views
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PlaylistDavid Vallet86 views