J.S.Bach : Gavotte - Gavotte ou la Musette (from English Suite No.3) BWV 808
See All
D’Anglebert : Chaconne in C major
Jean-Baptiste de Bousset / Blavet : Pourqouy doux rossignol
Mondonville (arr.Balbastre) : Gavotte (Titon et l’Aurore)
Georg Böhm : Prelude in F major
Musette and harpsichord duo ミュゼット&チェンバロデュオ
J.S.Bach: Prelude in A minor BWV 942
Johann Krieger : Menuet and Bourrée in A minor
J.S.Bach: Cembalo Solo (3rd mvt. Allegro) from Sonata for Violin and Harpsichord No.6 BWV 1019
J.S.Bach : Prelude in E minor BWV 941
Clavichord performances
Harpsichord performances
J.S.Bach’s educational keyboard works
J.S.Bach 5 little preludes BWV 939-943
Organ performances