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Nicolas Gombert 'Musae Jovis', arranged for instruments by James Weeks
Anothertimbre473 views
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James Weeks 'media vita iii' (2024), played by Apartment House
Anothertimbre467 views
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Jürg Frey 'Longing Landscape' extract, Prague Quiet Music Collective
Anothertimbre637 views
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Teodora Stepančić, extracts from O A & F G
Anothertimbre727 views
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Bryn Harrison 'Towards a slowing of the past' extract
Anothertimbre703 views
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Morgan Evans-Weiler & J.P.A. Falzone - 'Penumbra' extract
Anothertimbre570 views
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Nicolas Gombert 'Mille regretz', arranged for instruments by James Weeks
Anothertimbre1.1K views
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Adrián Demoč 'Zamat' played by Apartment House
Anothertimbre1.1K views
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Linda Catlin Smith 'Waterlily' and 'Nightshade'
Anothertimbre1.9K views