Henry PURCELL: Nymphs & Shepherds | Arpa Oscura
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Giulio CACCINI: Amor ch'attendi | Arpa Oscura
Francesco Landini : Per seguir la sperança | CAVALIER
Fiumicello che con l’onda | Carlo Eustachio | NOI - Maikki Säikkä, soprano & Tuomas Kourula, theorbo
Fields of Gold | STING | Anneliina Rif, voice & Tuomas Kourula, theorbo
La Mascarade - Robert de Visée | Theorbo solo by Tuomas Kourula
Une jeune fillette | Anneliina Rif, soprano & Tuomas Kourula, lute
J.S Bach: Prelude from the 1st solo Cello suite in G major | Tuomas Kourula, theorbo solo
The most beautiful french mélodie - Reynaldo Hahn "À Chloris" | NOI ensemble
Dark Night of The Soul | Loreena McKennitt | ARPA OSCURA
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