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Jérôme Salomon
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Chahar Mezrab Esfahan / Pouya Khoshravesh, Jérôme Salomon
Jérôme Salomon399 views
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Daryavar (Trio Khoshravesh) / Sepideh Raissadat and the Khoshravesh brothers
Jérôme Salomon824 views
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Prélude instrumental (Pouya Khoshravesh) / Sepideh Raissadat and the Khoshravesh brothers
Jérôme Salomon500 views
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Parvaneh emshab (Reza Ghassemi) / Sepideh Raissadat and the Khoshravesh brothers
Jérôme Salomon10K views
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Sanama (Reza Ghassemi) / Sepideh Raissadat and the Khoshravesh brothers
Jérôme Salomon2.6K views
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Paye sarve (Reza Ghassemi) / Sepideh Raissadat and the Khoshravesh brothers
Jérôme Salomon897 views
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Teaser duo Merline // musiques nordiques et musiques anciennes
Jérôme Salomon561 views
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Polonäs från Skåne, Valse des Amants / Merline trio - Opéra de Lyon (Festival du Péristyle 2020)
Jérôme Salomon851 views
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Nare Nare, Aparani Par / Mahaleb trio / AMR Genève - janvier 2020
Jérôme Salomon1.2K views
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Sepideh Raissadat and the Khoshravesh brothers
PlaylistJérôme Salomon366 views
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Houdetsi festival / Labyrinth Musical Workshop
PlaylistJérôme Salomon80 views
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Merline trio / Festival du Péristyle de l'Opéra de Lyon 2020)
PlaylistJérôme Salomon13 views
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Panselinos / Πανσέληνος - musiques et danses de Grèce
PlaylistJérôme Salomon272 views