1 I. Grand Vespers for Easter: Kyrie, Hodie Christus resurrexit Anonymous, Schola Hungarica, László Dobszay & András Soós
2 I. Grand Vespers for Easter: a) Alleluja - In exitu Israel (Psalm 113), b) Alleluja - Venite exsultemus (Psalm 94) Anonymous, Schola Hungarica, Janka Szendrei & András Soós
3 I. Advent. Responsorium archidiaconale: Praesepe jam fulget Anonymous, Schola Hungarica, Janka Szendrei & László Dobszay
4 Sziveink (1983) István Márta, András Soós, The Budapest Strings, Budapest TOMKINS Vocal Ensemble, and Group 180
5 I. Grand Vespers for Easter: a) Alleluja - Dixit Dominus (Psalm 109), b) Alleluja - Confitebor (Psalm 110), c) Alleluja - Dominus regnavit Anonymous, Schola Hungarica, Janka Szendrei & András Soós