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廖志明 Liu chi ming
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陝北民歌: 相識相遇難相守(臉咋這麼厚)為什麼不能到白頭
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一首令聽者動容垂淚的經典歌曲 Demis Roussos Goodbye My Love Goodbye
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很哀傷的歌曲-雨和淚 (附中英歌詞) Demis Roussos - Rain And Tears
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活潑可愛的孩童,娓娓動聽的兒歌 Hello to all the Children of the World
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鄧麗君-長城謠|去長城不是看人,還需能靜心欣賞壯觀美景!Great Wall, China
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綠袖子 Greensleeves|美麗的歐洲窗台花卉 The Beautifu Bay Window Flower
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西洋樂器音樂:小提琴、大提琴、 豎琴、吉他、長笛、鋼琴、管風琴、蘇格蘭風笛、薩克斯風、排蕭、烏德琴、布祖琴、 喇叭
Playlist廖志明 Liu chi ming516 views
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Playlist廖志明 Liu chi ming518 views