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WAVE(Morrigan feat.Lily)
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【SEGA/オンゲキ】『Sword of Secret』- Cranky, Morrigan feat.Lily
LILY1.4K views
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【SEGA/maimai でらっくす】『RondeauX of RagnaroQ』 / Morrigan feat.Lily and 結城碧
LILY1M views
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【ニコニコ超会議2024/クリエイタークロス】New Album 『The Apple of My Eye』XFD & Event Announcement
LILY2.9K views
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【100人合唱】交響唱『カガリビト』 Symphonic Requiem “Kagaribito”【Lily's 15th Anniversary Choir Project】
LILY27K views
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【予告PV】交響唱『カガリビト』Symphonic Requiem “Kagaribito”【TRAILER】
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【2023M3春】TR01 星は壊れて、新たな秩序を紡ぐ ― Fractured Star of Rebirth ―【LORE×WAVE 】 vocal:Lily|Eili|結城碧|つきみぐー、
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【2023M3春】星花は蒼月へ還る ― Etheminas return to the blue moon ― All XFD【LORE×WAVE】
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『ヲズワルド』- WOZWALD / 煮ル果実 covered by 結城碧(Yuki Aoi) feat. Lily
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PlaylistWAVE(Morrigan feat.Lily) 70 views