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Jacky Walraet, Luthier
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Acoustic Archtop Guitar Bridges / Comparative test #1; Two-piece adjustable vs one-piece bridge /
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Philip Catherine & Guillaume Muschalle / 📀 / 'You don't know what love is'
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AUTUMN LEAVES, live @ PLOEF, Jette (Excerpt) / Muschalle, Catherine, Hertmans
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'Larabanga' played on the 'Beetle Flat top' made by Luthier Jacky Walraet
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'Softly, as in a morning sunrise' / played on the 'Beetle flat-top', by Luthier Jacky Walraet
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Groove-Cat demo #1/ Nine Fragmented Pieces / Guitar made and played by Luthier Jacky Walraet
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TWO BEETLES / Acoustic Archtop and Flattop guitar made by Luthier Jacky Walraet, Belgium
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Nuages, Django R. / played on the - 'Beetle' Flat-top Model - / by luthier Jacky Walraet
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PlayList 2 / Guillaume Muschalle playing the Beetle & Little Sister
PlaylistJacky Walraet, Luthier411 views
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Guitar Duo / Guillaume Muschalle & Peter Hertmans / Unplugged jam session
PlaylistJacky Walraet, Luthier3 views