"Every Tenth Man" (unreleased song, live 2007), Allan Holdsworth Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 5.6K views
"Where Is One", Allan Holdsworth with I.O.U., March 14, 1981, 101 Club, London Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 2.6K views
"Devil Take the Hindmost", Allan Holdsworth Live, March 25, 1984, Hunt's Club VT Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 881 views
"The Insomniac" (unreleased Allan Holdsworth Song, Live) June 19, 2007 Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 10K views
“Zone” (improvisation), Allan Holdsworth with Ernest Tibbs & Joel Taylor, Jan 8, 2005, Buffalo NY Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 1K views
"Brothers", Allan Holdsworth with Tempest (Live with Solo Spotlight) (February 11, 1973) Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 6.1K views
"Every Little Breeze", Allan Holdsworth 1980, Jazz In Britain BBC Radio 3 Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 4.2K views
"The Un-Merry-Go-Round" Live, Allan Holdsworth, September 13, 1992, Chicago (China Club) Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 5.2K views
"Pud Wud", Allan Holdsworth Live, May 7, 1994, Roppongi Pit Inn, Tokyo Japan Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 2.2K views
Michael Brecker’s "Nothing Personal" Performed by Allan Holdworth Live, 2006 Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 21K views
The Devil Take the Hindmost Holdsworth Playlist Playlist • Devil Take The Hindmost: Allan Holdsworth • 594 views