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Sebastian M. P.
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Yesu Nadha: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Kester (The body and Blood of Jesus)
Sebastian M. P.681 views
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Karuna Hridayanam: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Wilson (The Beatitudes)
Sebastian M. P.160 views
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Vachanathil: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Wilson (Believe in the Word)
Sebastian M. P.87 views
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Manushya Raksha: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Merin Grigory (The Redeemer)
Sebastian M. P.44 views
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Vinnil Niraye: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Wilson Piravom (X'mas Carol Song)
Sebastian M. P.94 views
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Daivam Than: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Elizabeth Raju (Sinai and Calvary)
Sebastian M. P.74 views
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Yesuve Ninne: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Merin Grigory (Entrance to Heaven)
Sebastian M. P.84 views
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Bhavanatheetham: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Unni Menon (thanks Giving to the God Almighty)
Sebastian M. P.199 views
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Sneha Nadha: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Mridula Varier (The body and Blood of the Saviour)
Sebastian M. P.226 views
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Gethsemane: Jesus Forever Malayalam, Mridula Varier (prayer at Gethsemane)
Sebastian M. P.1.3K views