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The Avgaard
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Atreyu - 'Lose it' (unofficial video)
The Avgaard501 views
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Clan Of Xymox - 'Louise' muted
The Avgaard164 views
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Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - 'Angelheart, Ravenheart (Act III: Saivo Lapsi)'
The Avgaard289 views
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Trisomie 21 - 'The Lined Hands Of Afternoon' (2009 'Black Label' album)
The Avgaard815 views
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Clan of Xymox - 'Medusa' (Unofficial, fan video)
The Avgaard1.3K views
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Trisomie 21 - 'Shadows Of Time' (1986 Chapter IV album)
The Avgaard834 views
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Clan Of Xymox - 'Louise' (Medusa 1986 Album)
The Avgaard3.5K views
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Dead Can Dance - 'Labour of Love' (John Peel Session - 1983) - Video & Lyrics
The Avgaard2.9K views
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AND ALSO THE TREES - 'Virus Meadow'
The Avgaard7.2K views
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\m/ Metal ~ Avgaard \m/
PlaylistThe Avgaard22 views
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Dead Can Dance ~ Avgaard
PlaylistThe Avgaard119 views
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David Lynch - 5 scenes of "The Big Dream"
PlaylistThe Avgaard63 views
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Clan of XymoX ~ Avgaard
PlaylistThe Avgaard143 views
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Trisomie 21 ~ Avgaard
PlaylistThe Avgaard358 views
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More Works from Avgaard
PlaylistThe Avgaard485 views
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In The Nursery ~ Avgaard
PlaylistThe Avgaard104 views