Stravinsky - Apollo (c); CSO, Stravinsky, Cond.wmv
See All
Stravinsky - Apollo (b); CSO, Stravinsky, Cond.wmv
Stravinsky - Apollo (a); CSO, Stravinsky, Cond.wmv
Stravinsky - Card Game, Third Deal; Cleveland Orchestra.wmv
Stravinsky - Card Game, Second Deal; Cleveland Orchestra.wmv
Stravinsky - Card Game, First Deal; Cleveland Orchestra.wmv
Stravinsky - Suite No.1 for Small Orchestra; CBCSO, Strav. Cond.wmv
Stravinsky - L'Histoire du soldat (b); Columbia Chamber Ensemble.wmv
Stravinsky - Renard the Fox (b); Columbia Chamber Ensemble.wmv
Stravinsky - Renard the Fox (a); Columbia Chamber Ensemble
See All
Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps
Stravinsky - Feu d'artifice (Fireworks)
Stravinsky Suite No 2 for Small Orchestra
Stravinsky - Symphony in E flat
Stravinsky - Card Game
Stravinsky - Suite No.1 for Small Orchestra
Stravinsky - Renard
Stravinsky - Scherzo fantastique
Stravinsky - Symphony in C
Stravinsky - Les noces