1 W.H. Monk, Ewing: Jerusalem the Golden (Ewing) Malcolm Archer, Rupert Gough, Wells Cathedral Choir, William Henry Monk, and Alexander Ewing
2 W.H. Monk: All Things Bright and Beautiful Malcolm Archer, Rupert Gough, Wells Cathedral Choir & William Henry Monk
3 W.H. Monk, Willcocks: Abide with Me (Eventide) James O'Donnell, Robert Quinney, The Choir of Westminster Abbey & William Henry Monk
4 W.H. Monk: At the Name of Jesus (Evelyns) Malcolm Archer, Wells Cathedral Choir, Rupert Gough, and William Henry Monk
5 W.H. Monk: Abide with Me (Eventide) Rupert Gough, Wells Cathedral Choir, Malcolm Archer, and William Henry Monk