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Fanachu! Live
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"Sugar Daddy" by Alex and Ruby from "Mampos Uma Guiya" (Miget's Chamoru Vinyl Collection)
Fanachu! Live21 views
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"Guinaifen Manglo" by Joe "Crutch" Duenas fom "Guinaifen Manglo" (Miget's Chamoru Vinyl Collection)
Fanachu! Live80 views
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"I Prisonero" by Joe "Crutch" Duenas from "Guinaifen Manglo"
Fanachu! Live75 views
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"Madandan y Campana" by Joe "Crutch" Duenas from "Guinaifen Manglo"
Fanachu! Live68 views
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"Maseha Haf Taimanu" by Joe "Crutch" Duenas from the 1977 album "Guinaifen Manglo."
Fanachu! Live90 views
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"Hago Ha Solo" by Tulaamwarr from "Hago Ha Solo" (Miget's Chamoru Vinyl Collection)
Fanachu! Live104 views
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"Ti Pumarentis Hit" by Taulaamwarr from "Hago Ha Solo" (Miget's Chamoru Vinyl Collection)
Fanachu! Live301 views
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"I Sainata Un Benendisi" by Taulaamwarr from "Hago Ha Solo" (Miget's Chamoru Vinyl Collection)
Fanachu! Live129 views
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I Bingo, I Balaja yan I Lottery by Johnny Sablan: Karaoken Fanachu: Mina'Gualo #8
Fanachu! Live61 views
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"Pution Oracion" from "Hago Ha Solo" by Taulaamwarr (Miget's Chamoru Vinyl Collection)
Fanachu! Live79 views
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