"Love Is Blue" and New York too, performed by Dennis Tschirner at 42nd Street in New York City
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"New York, New York" performed by Dennis Tschirner in New York City
"New York" performed by Dennis Tschirner at Times Square in New York City
I WILL FOLLOW YOU sung by Dennis Tschirner
HALLELUJAH sung by Dennis Tschirner
STREETS OF LONDON sung by Dennis Tschirner
EDGE OF REALITY sung by Dennis Tschirner
FERRY CROSS THE MERSEY sung by Dennis Tschirner
MUSIC TO WATCH GIRLS BY sung by Dennis Tschirner
HIS LATEST FLAME sung by Dennis Tschirner
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BREEZE "The lost Dimension" (Complete Album)
BURNS. A musical version of Robert-Burns-Poems
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SISTERS OF HELL (Complete Album)
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