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Ex Cathedra
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LIVE from London Summer 2024 - watch our Monteverdi Vespers 1610 concert
Ex Cathedra294 views
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Gentle Flame CD - excerpt: Agnus Dei
Ex Cathedra76 views
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Gentle Flame CD - excerpt: If I take the wings
Ex Cathedra132 views
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Better than a thousand meaningless words - from "The Traveller" by Alec Roth & Vikram Seth
Ex Cathedra439 views
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Rise Traveller - from "The Traveller" by Alec Roth & Vikram Seth
Ex Cathedra658 views
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No fire like passion - from "The Traveller" by Alec Roth & Vikram Seth
Ex Cathedra615 views
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"When a Child is a Witness" in 30 seconds
Ex Cathedra161 views
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Baroque Passion - Music of heartbreak & healing (preview)
Ex Cathedra521 views
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Every Voice - Ex Cathedra Senior Academy of Vocal Music
Ex Cathedra827 views
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Singing Medicine
PlaylistEx Cathedra258 views
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The Traveller CD - Alec Roth & Vikram Seth
PlaylistEx Cathedra99 views
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Academy of Vocal Music
PlaylistEx Cathedra138 views
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Live performance
PlaylistEx Cathedra242 views
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Singing Schools
PlaylistEx Cathedra27 views
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Birmingham Baroque - 19th Biennial Conference
PlaylistEx Cathedra133 views
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Thwaites: From Five Continents CD
PlaylistEx Cathedra29 views