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For All the Saints & I heard the voice of Jesus say hymns played by Joe Vitacco
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Mark Dwyer plays Loe Sowerby: Sonatina at Church of the Advent in Boston
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Mark Dwyer play the Passacaglia from Leo Sowerby Symphony in G Major at Church of the Advent
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Mark Dwyer plays C. Hubert H. Parry Fantasia & Fugue in G on the organ at The Church of the Advent
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Oh Come All Ye Faith played on the pipe organ at Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church Brooklyn
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Michael T.C. Hey plays To Jesus Christ our Sovereign King at Our Lady of Refuge in Brooklyn
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Frank Bridge: Andante moderato in c minor Three Pieces (1905), Carol Feather Martin organist
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Olivier Latry inaugurates the pipe organ at Our Lady of Refuge in Brooklyn
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Max Reger: Phantasie über Wie schön leucht' uns der Morgenstern, Op. 40 performed by Ken Cowan
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The Best Pipe Organ Videos on Youtube
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Organ Recitals in New York City at Our Lady of Refuge Church in Brooklyn
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Organist Ken Cowan
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Organist Stephen Tharp
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Olivier Latry Videos
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Miracle in Brooklyn | Pipe Organ Restored | Worldwide Crowd Funding Raised the funds
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Olivier Latry improvises on spoken texts at the dedication of the pipe organ at Our Lady of Refuge in the diocese of Brooklyn
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Organist Thierry Escaich
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Restoration & Dedication pipe organ at Our Lady of Refuge Church in the Brooklyn Diocese. Olivier Latry Organist, Bishop DiMarzio, Fr. Michael Perry
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