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Valentino Shang
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Athenas - Alfa y Omega 阿耳法和敖默加 - 天主教聖歌
Valentino Shang20 views
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31. Let all the angels of God worship Him 天主的眾天使都要崇拜他 - 韓德爾《默西亞/彌賽亞》(天主教思高本聖經翻譯)
Valentino Shang29 views
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30. Lift up your heads, O ye gates 城門,請提高你們的門楣 - 韓德爾《默西亞/彌賽亞》(天主教思高本聖經翻譯)
Valentino Shang14 views
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29. But thou didst not leave his soul in hell 因為你絕不會將他的靈魂遺棄在陰府 - 韓德爾《默西亞/彌賽亞》(天主教思高本聖經翻譯)
Valentino Shang8 views
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28. He was cut off out of the land of the living 他從活人的地上被剪除 - 韓德爾《默西亞/彌賽亞》(天主教思高本聖經翻譯)
Valentino Shang12 views
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27. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow 請你們細細觀察 - 韓德爾《默西亞/彌賽亞》(天主教思高本聖經翻譯)
Valentino Shang5 views
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26. Thy rebuke hath broken His heart 侮辱破碎了他的心 - 韓德爾《默西亞/彌賽亞》(天主教思高本聖經翻譯)
Valentino Shang7 views
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25. All they that see him 凡看見他的人 - 韓德爾《默西亞/彌賽亞》(天主教思高本聖經翻譯)
Valentino Shang8 views
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24. All we like sheep have gone astray 我們都像羊一樣迷了路 - 韓德爾《默西亞/彌賽亞》(天主教思高本聖經翻譯)
Valentino Shang13 views
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23. And with His stripes we are healed 因他受了創傷我們便得了痊癒 - 韓德爾《默西亞/彌賽亞》(天主教思高本聖經翻譯)
Valentino Shang11 views
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PlaylistValentino Shang206 views
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【合唱聖詩作品】Marco Frisina - María, Madre del Señor 天主之母瑪利亞
PlaylistValentino Shang377 views