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the shake spears "don't play that song" popcorn oldies, soul, nothern soul.
soulsisterlilia885 views
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louis jordan the A men corner great soul, popcornoldies
soulsisterlilia442 views
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howard Caroll st james infirmary great version Jazz popcornoldies
soulsisterlilia375 views
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Booker t & the Mg's feat Judy Clay children don't get weary
soulsisterlilia437 views
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Dr Dee and the bad mules .. le 21 mai 2017 au Zap'ing à grande synthe
soulsisterlilia283 views
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Clark Terry and Bobby Brookmeyer quintet " blindman-blindman " Great jazz popcorn.oldies
soulsisterlilia362 views
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Mary lou Williams with Anthony Williams "praise the lord"
soulsisterlilia367 views
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Mary lou Williams Lp "black Christ of the Andes " My Blue Heaven rare popcorn oldies
soulsisterlilia934 views
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Billy graham and the escalators .. east 24 th ave
soulsisterlilia431 views