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Moanin’ (played by my 8-year old son)
qwerty72 views
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The Chicken (played by my 8-year old son)
qwerty189 views
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Hamilton de Holanda, Pipoquinha e Bocar Cissokho - Massani Cissé
qwerty186 views
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Trío Mollila - Moreno (Jorginho Gularte)
qwerty202 views
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4 Jazz - Partido Alto #2 (José Roberto Bertrami)
qwerty140 views
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4 Jazz - Carioquinha (Waldir Azevedo)
qwerty124 views
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16 de Maio (Hermeto Pascoal) - A Casa Jazz Sessions
qwerty171 views
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12 de Abril (Hermeto Pascoal) - A Casa Jazz Sessions
qwerty263 views
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Hurdy gurdy - Street Musician
qwerty5.3K views
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John Zorn - Lahum- 14. - Live '99 (Masada)
qwerty3.6K views
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Stacey Kent
Playlistqwerty124 views
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Playlistqwerty47 views
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Staff Benda Bilili
Playlistqwerty2.1K views
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Pierre Hamon - Flute Recital
Playlistqwerty4.3K views
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Mulatu Astatke & The Heliocentrics
Playlistqwerty613 views
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John Zorn - Masada String Project / Bar Kokhba / Masada LIVE
Playlistqwerty9.6K views