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EJ - New Wave
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The New Wave - Where Do We Go From Here (by EarpJohn)
EJ - New Wave413 views
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The New Wave - In A Lonely Towne (by EarpJohn)
EJ - New Wave387 views
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The New Wave - The Evening Myst | A Morning Dew (by EarpJohn)
EJ - New Wave614 views
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The New Wave - Walkin' On Down The Street (by EarpJohn)
EJ - New Wave363 views
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The New Wave - Live For Today (by EarpJohn)
EJ - New Wave772 views
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The New Wave - Not From You (by EarpJohn)
EJ - New Wave358 views
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The New Wave - The Shade Of The Sun (by EarpJohn)
EJ - New Wave798 views
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The New Wave - Autrefois | J'aimé une femme (by EarpJohn)
EJ - New Wave690 views
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The New Wave - Shadows Of Goodbye (by EarpJohn)
EJ - New Wave1K views