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Sadanori Kobinata
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S Rachmaninov – Transcription of Mussorgsky's Hopak, 1924 Sergei Rachmaninov, 1979
Sadanori Kobinata142 views
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S Rachmaninov – Morceaux de fantaisie, op 3 no 3 ‘Melodie’ Sergei Rachmaninov, 1978
Sadanori Kobinata204 views
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B Britten – A Charm of Lullabies, Op 41 No 3 ‘Sephestia's Lullaby’ Maureen Forrester & Felix Schr
Sadanori Kobinata54 views
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C P E Bach – 30 Geistliche Gesange mit Melodien, Book 2, Wq 198, H 752, No 11 ‘Weihnachtslied
Sadanori Kobinata88 views
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F Poulenc Le travail du peintre, FP 161 No 3 ‘Georges Braque’ Maureen Forrester & Hertha Klust,
Sadanori Kobinata33 views
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C Loewe Meine Ruh ist hin, op 9 H 3 no 2 Maureen Forrester & Michael Raucheisen, 1955
Sadanori Kobinata103 views
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J Brahms – Eight Gypsy Songs, op 103 no 1 ‘He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten ein’ Maureen Forres
Sadanori Kobinata116 views
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S Rachmaninov – Morceaux de Salon, op 10 no 3 ‘Bacarolle’ Sergei Rachmaninov, 1978
Sadanori Kobinata23 views
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B Britten – A Charm of Lullabies, Op 41 No 4 ‘A Charm’ Maureen Forrester & Felix Schröder, 1958
Sadanori Kobinata25 views
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J Brahms – Eight Gypsy Songs, op 103 no 4 ‘Lieber Gott, du weißt’ Maureen Forrester & Hertha Klus
Sadanori Kobinata60 views