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“Rorate Cæli” ◢ Entrance Chant ◣ 4th Sunday of Advent (Gregorian Chant in English)
ccwatershed243 views
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“The First Nowell” (In Latin) • Arranged by Jeff Ostrowski for Organ & Choir
ccwatershed436 views
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◢ Entrance Chant ◣ Third Sunday of Advent (Gregorian Chant in English)
ccwatershed563 views
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◢ Entrance Chant ◣ 8 December, Immaculate Conception (Gregorian Chant in English)
ccwatershed719 views
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◢ Entrance Chant ◣ Feast of CHRIST THE KING (Gregorian Chant in English)
ccwatershed1.6K views
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ccwatershed220 views
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Our Father • “Congregational Choral Enhancement” (Énemond Moreau)
ccwatershed390 views
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◢ Entrance Chant ◣ 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Gregorian Chant in English)
ccwatershed395 views
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◢ Entrance Chant ◣ 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Gregorian Chant in English)
ccwatershed400 views
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◢ Entrance Chant ◣ “Feast of All Saints” (November 1st)
ccwatershed527 views