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Artyom Dervoed
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History of Tango
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Music of Spain: Ghosts and Shadows
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Guitar Recital: Dervoed, Artyom - Biktashev / Orekhov / Rudnev / Koshkin (Russian Guitar Music)
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La Campanella
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La Campanella | Niccolò Paganini | Artyom Dervoed
Artyom Dervoed1.1M views
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Salvador Bacarisse | Concertino Para Guitarra y Orquesta | Romanza | Artyom Dervoed
Artyom Dervoed21K views
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Romance | Niccolo Paganini | Artyom Dervoed | Antique Antonio de Torres guitar 1864
Artyom Dervoed161K views
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Grand Sonata, III movement | Niccolo Paganini's guitar by Gennaro Fabricatore, 1826 | Artyom Dervoed
Artyom Dervoed40K views
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J.S. Bach | Adagio & Fugue | Sonata #1 for violin solo | BWV 1001 | Artyom Dervoed
Artyom Dervoed26K views
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Toy Soldiers | Nikita Koshkin | Artyom Dervoed
Artyom Dervoed32K views
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Tan Dun – Nu Shu: the Secret Songs of Women
Artyom Dervoed5.7K views
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The Possessed, II Movement | Kevin Callahan | Artyom Dervoed
Artyom Dervoed10K views
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Romance from Grand Sonata | Niccolò Paganini | Artyom Dervoed
Artyom Dervoed7.4K views
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