1 Marseillaise & Contre Marseillaise Michel Godard, Joël Grare, Yves Rechsteiner, Céline Frisch, Arnaud Marzorati, Jean-François Novelli, Mélanie Flahaut, Stéphanie Paulet, Hugues Primard, and Les Lunaisiens
2 Amphigouri & La Prise de la Bastille Joël Grare, Jean-François Novelli, Mélanie Flahaut, Hugues Primard, Les Lunaisiens, and Arnaud Ledu
"Hymn to the Supreme Being" - French Republican Poem/Song from the French Revolution (1794) Ruined Roast • 2K views
Capella de la Torre, Katharina Bäuml - Le miroir du temps (Michel Godard) Capella de la Torre • 48K views
The swallow birds (Preleteše ptice lastavice ) / Mirković, Godard / Risplendenti, riversi Nataša Mirković • 6.2K views