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Guitar: Parson Hogg (Including lyrics and chords)
threelegsoman130 views
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12-string Guitar: Catch Us If You Can (Including lyrics and chords)
threelegsoman231 views
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Guitar: The Painful Plough (Including lyrics and chords)
threelegsoman132 views
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Guitar: That Lucky Old Sun (Including lyrics and chords)
threelegsoman273 views
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Guitar: Owl (The) (Including lyrics and chords)
threelegsoman174 views
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Guitar: Once I Loved a Maiden Fair (Including lyrics and chords)
threelegsoman217 views
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Guitar: Once a Farmer and his Wife (Including lyrics and chords)
threelegsoman188 views
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Guitar: Old Threshing Song (Including lyrics and chords)
threelegsoman247 views
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12-string Guitar: Old Farmer Buck (Including lyrics and chords)
threelegsoman217 views
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Christmas songs and carols
Playlistthreelegsoman2.4K views
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Songs from "Singing Together"
Playlistthreelegsoman3.4K views