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Sonata in G Major for flute and continuo, TWV 41:G9 – G.P. Telemann
Galloparvi139 views
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Sonata seconda à Sopran solo – Dario Castello
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Schweigt, ihr Flöten – Johann Sebastian Bach
Galloparvi120 views
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Alexander Blustin: Mass II - Agnus Dei
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Alexander Blustin: Mass II - Sanctus and Benedictus
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Alexander Blustin: Mass II - Gloria
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Alexander Blustin: Mass II - Kyrie
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Plorate filii Israel (Carissimi: Jephte) - Erasmus Chamber Choir and Ensemble
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Buxtehude: Membra Jesu Nostri: Ad Cor (Erasmus Chamber Choir and Ensemble)
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Erasmus Chamber Choir and Ensemble
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Dan Tidhar (harpsichord)
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Alexander Blustin: Mass II
PlaylistGalloparvi165 views
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Dan Tidhar (fortepiano)
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Dan Tidhar (clavichord)
PlaylistGalloparvi32 views
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Jacques Duphly: Pieces de Clavecin, Complete Book 1 (Dan Tidhar)
PlaylistGalloparvi593 views