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Jean Tubéry
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Monteverdi: Il Vespro della Beata Vergine
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Marini & Castello
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Bach: Weihnachtskantaten
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Pachelbel: Christ lag in Todesbanden
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Buxtehude: O fröhliche stunden
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Vespro a voce sola
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Ex Libris, The Musical Library of J. S. Bach
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Natura amorosa
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The Heritage of Monteverdi
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Musicae belgicae: L'atelier de Rubens
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GIOVANNI FELICE SANCES: Stabat Mater dolorosa - Pianto della Madonna PDF SCORE
Early Music Scores1.9K views
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Johann Pachelbel: Cantata PWV 1217, “Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan"
Jordan Alexander Key7.8K views
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Lassus: Ut queant laxis - Tubéry
pannonia775.3K views
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DIETRICH BUXTEHUDE Herr, wenn ich nur dich hab. BuxWV 38
saalo66613K views
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Pan divino y gracioso (Francisco Guerrero, siglo XVI) - Coral Sto. Domingo de Guzmán (Ocaña, ESPAÑA)
OscarReflexiO4.2K views
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DOMENICO MAZZOCCHI: La Maddalena ricorre alle lagrime (Lagrime Amare) PDF SCORE
Early Music Scores806 views
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Monteverdi, Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti, SV 251
Fanie Antonelou1.3K views
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Biagio Marini - Canzon a quattro cornetti (Canzon for 4 cornetts)
LeoCerante3.3K views