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'Kiss the Girl' song in THE LITTLE MERMAID (2023) movie, with Jonah Hauer-King and Halle Bailey
BritishPeriodDramas870 views
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'My Son' song from Guillermo del Toro's PINOCCHIO (2022) movie
BritishPeriodDramas7K views
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'Everything Is New To Me' from Guillermo del Toro's PINOCCHIO (2022) movie - full-length song clip!
BritishPeriodDramas93K views
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'Ciao Papa' from Guillermo del Toro's PINOCCHIO (2022) movie - full-length song clip!
BritishPeriodDramas28K views
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Viola Davis sings 'Deep Moaning Blues' in MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM (2020) movie clip
BritishPeriodDramas7.6K views
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DOWNTON ABBEY star Dan Stevens performs 'Lion of Love' in Netflix's EUROVISION SONG CONTEST (2020)
BritishPeriodDramas6.4K views