(1920) Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir - Polyphon Orchester
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(1940) Japanese Sandman - Felix Mendelssohn and his Hawaiian Serenades
(1926) Spilledaasen (Imitation) - Künstler Ensemble Paul Godwin
(1948) Pod Samovarem - Arpolin Numa
(1940) Liebes Mütterlein, darfst nicht traurig sein - Theo Reuter und sein Orchester
(1940) Gute Nacht, Mutter - Theo Reuter und sein Orchester
(1939) Russian Folk Dance - Song and Dance of the Soviet Army
(1933) Canadian Capers - Harry Roy and his Orchestra
(1931) Blue Pacific Moonlight - Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra
(1940) Chloe (Song of the Swamp) - Dinah Shore
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German own collection
World War 2
British bands and singers
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Will Glahe
World War 1
Bob Scholte
The Ramblers