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Sonny Watson
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Longhorn Saloon - Bob & Laurie (1985 Beauty contest Dance)
Sonny Watson1.4K views
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Longhorn Saloon - Ron Cobal & Marty Douglas 1985 Country Dance
Sonny Watson1K views
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Longhorn Saloon (1983) Bob Fornoff and Laurie Jacobson
Sonny Watson665 views
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Longhorn Saloon - Dave and Mechelle Jolicoeur (1983) Country Western
Sonny Watson582 views
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Longhorn Saloon - Chris and Tracy - Country & Two Step (1983)
Sonny Watson666 views
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Longhorn Saloon, Bill and Muffin 1983 (Texas Two-Step)
Sonny Watson1.1K views
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The Texas Tommy (with music added)
Sonny Watson2.8K views
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Betty Page "Waltzing in Satin Scanties"
Sonny Watson40K views
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Betty Page (36"-23"-36.5") "Harem Dance"
Sonny Watson11K views