Mikołaj Zieleński: Viderunt omnes fines terrae (1611)
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Thomas Tallis: Blessed are those that be undefyled (c.1550) with Synthesizer V
Anonymous Aztec / Hernando Franco (?): Dios itlaçonantzine (c.1580)
William Byrd: Come pretty babe (c.1585) with Synthesizer V
George F. Handel: Sinfony, "Comfort ye," & "Ev'ry valley" from Messiah with Synthesizer V (1741)
George Frideric Handel: Aria "The trumpet shall sound" from Messiah (1741) by Synthesizer V
Anonymous French: Degentis vita / Cum vix artidici / Vera pudicitia (c.1360)
Giulio Caccini: Alme luci beate (1614) with Synthesizer V
Thomas Mawdyke & Robert Croo: Lully lulla, thou little tiny child (1591) with Synthesizer V
Josquin Des Prez: Comment peult avoir joye (c.1490) with Synthesizer V
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Renaissance music in Poland
Music in early Tudor England (1510-1560)
Church music by Thomas Tallis
Music of the late Spanish Renaissance (1570-1600)
Music in late Elizabethan England (1580-1605)
Music of William Byrd (1580-1600)
Excerpts from Handel masterpieces (1710-1740)
Music of the Ars Nova (1350-1400)
Italian early Baroque Music (1590-1640)
French and Franco-Flemish Music of the High Renaissance (1520-1570)