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S. Albans
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King Charles I's Evening Hymn 'Close thine eyes and sleep secure' (Henry G. Ley)
S. Albans523 views
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A Tallis Choral Communion Service: set in full Order of 1662 BCP
S. Albans3K views
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Vaughan Williams: 'Communion Service in D' Sanctus, Agnus Dei & Gloria set in Liturgy of 1662 BCP
S. Albans4.1K views
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Healey Willan: Sanctus & Benedictus 'Missa Brevis II, in F Minor' (Advent and Lent)
S. Albans342 views
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Plainsong: Introit (Psalm 96 -1549 BCP) for the 1st Communion of Christmas, in Sarum Tone 8.II
S. Albans482 views
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Anglican Chant: Preces & Canticles for Mattins (Venite, Te Deum, Benedictus)
S. Albans673 views
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Hymn 'He whose confession God of old accepted' (Iste confessor) - A Tribute to English Church
S. Albans641 views
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John Merbecke: ’Gloria in Excelsis Deo' (1662 BCP Post-Communion position)
S. Albans3.7K views
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Plainsong: Troped Kyire - Rex Virginum Amator 'King, lover of virgins' | Use of York Chant
S. Albans880 views
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Thomas Tallis: Kyrie Responses to the Commandments in LATIN “Dorian Service” | 1560 Latin BCP
S. Albans498 views
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John Sheppard: 'Plainsong Mass for a Mean' (Sarum Rite from Salisbury Cathedral)
PlaylistS. Albans757 views