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Seeman - Rammstein (cover)
bartmeto10 views
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Scorpion - Still Loving You (cover)
bartmeto59 views
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Eluveitie - L'Appel Des Montagnes (cover)
bartmeto51 views
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The Vision Bleak - Elizabeth Dane - Fog Theme (cover)
bartmeto360 views
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Hollywood Undead - Whatever It Takes (cover)
bartmeto1.5K views
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Annihilator - Alison Hell (cover)
bartmeto42 views
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Cradle Of Filth - Alison Hell (cover w/o backtrack)
bartmeto225 views
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Metallica - Intro Blackened Reversed Cover
bartmeto272 views
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Halestorm - Heatens (cover) without backtrack
bartmeto133 views
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Les Béruriers Noirs - Salut à toi (cover)
bartmeto2.5K views