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Enrico Gatti
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Corelli: Sonate da chiesa opera terza & Sonate postume
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Tartini: Suonate a violino e violoncello o cimbalo
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Mille consiglie: 17th Century Italian Violin Sonatas
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Cross-dressing Bach: Chamber Rarities & Alternative Versions
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The Fiery Genius: Neapolitan Instrumental Music for 1, 2, 3, and 4 Violins
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Corelli: Sonate a violino e violone o cimbalo. Opera quinta
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Perle del Piemonte: Violin Music in 18th-Century Italy
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Bach: Musikalisches Opfer
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On the Shoulders of Giants, Tracing the Roots of Counterpoint
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Boccherini: Sonate per fortepiano con accompagnamento di un violino
Videos See All
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Arcangelo Corelli - La Follia - Enrico Gatti - Gaetano Nasillo - Guido Morini - ***Jan Vermeer
argesarge23.9K views
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Antonio Bertali: "Chiacona" à violino solo
Enrico Gatti7.1K views
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Antonio Vivaldi. Opus 1 RV 62, Trio Sonata 6, D Major
Classical Archive526 views
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Cherubino Busatti - Angela siete - Marco Beasley - Accordone - *** Guido Cagnacci
argesarge221K views
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Frescobaldi - Cento Partite sopra Passacagli - Guido Morini - Accordone - *** Jan Vermeer
argesarge23.1K views
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Si la gondola avare - Carlo Gaifa
N Baroque792 views
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Monteverdi - Messaggera ed Orfeo from: L'Orfeo, - Marco Beasley - Accordone - ***Camille Corot
argesarge22.5K views
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Sonata in E minor, Op.2 No.8 I. Allegro - Veracini | Nurit Pacht, Caroline Stinson, Paolo Bordignon
Mark Manring511 views
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Corelli - Sonata nr. 2 - Grave - Gatti - Nasillo - Morini ***Giovanni Antonio Canal
argesarge2566 views