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C.C.Catch - Heaven and Hell (Formel Eins - New entry: 64) [1986]
BohlenGalaxy397 views
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Désireless - Voyage voyage [Discoteka 80s Moscow 2004] [4K]
BohlenGalaxy222 views
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Frédéric Charter - Vérone [2001] [4K]
BohlenGalaxy167 views
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Pepsi & Shirlie - Heartache (Formel Eins - GB: No. 4.) [1987]
BohlenGalaxy260 views
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Silicon Dream - Albert Einstein {Everything is relative} (Formel Eins - New entry: 43) [1987]
BohlenGalaxy159 views
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Dolly Roll - Végleg a szívügyem maradtál [1987] [4K]
BohlenGalaxy264 views
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Cretu & Thiers - When love is the missing world (Formel Eins) [1987]
BohlenGalaxy268 views
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Fancy - Lady of Ice (Formel Eins - New entry: 45) [1986]
BohlenGalaxy225 views
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Ricci e Poweri - Sara perche ti amo [AvtoRadio Disco 80] [2005] [4K]
BohlenGalaxy182 views
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Blue System - Behind the silence [1990] [4K]
BohlenGalaxy281 views
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Christmas - Karácsony
PlaylistBohlenGalaxy4.6K views