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Sylvia Leith
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"Qui sedes" from Bach's B minor Mass • Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
Sylvia Leith345 views
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"Was mein Herz von dir begehrt" from BWV 108 • Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
Sylvia Leith398 views
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"Preiset, späte Folgezeiten" from BWV 207a • Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
Sylvia Leith239 views
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"How beautiful are the feet" from Handel's Messiah • Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
Sylvia Leith1.1K views
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"Behold, a virgin... O thou that tellest" from Handel's Messiah • Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
Sylvia Leith247 views
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"Pie Jesu" from the Duruflé Requiem • Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
Sylvia Leith409 views
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"Von der Welt verlang' ich nichts" from BWV 64 • Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
Sylvia Leith317 views
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"Thou art gone up on high" from Messiah • Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
Sylvia Leith482 views
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"He was despisèd" from Messiah • Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
Sylvia Leith578 views
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Janet Baker - "Where the bee sucks"
Sylvia Leith37K views