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Dan’s Acoustic Corner
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‘You Ain’t Going Nowhere’ Bob Dylan - Guitar Chords (Standard - No Capo)
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‘You Ain’t Going Nowhere’ Bob Dylan - Guitar Chords (Standard - No Capo)
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‘Puff The Magic Dragon’ Peter, Paul & Mary - Guitar Chords (Standard - Capo 2)
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‘Dusty Old Dust (So Long, It’s Been Good To Know Yah)’ Woody Guthrie - Chords (Standard - No Capo)
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‘Seven Curses’ Bob Dylan 1963 STUDIO OUTTAKE - Guitar Chords (Drop D - Capo 1)
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‘Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands’ Bob Dylan 1966 STUDIO DEMO vsn (Drop C - Capo 2)
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‘It’s Alright Mama’ Bob Dylan 1962 BAND DEMO - Guitar Chords (Standard - Capo 1)
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‘Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues’ Bob Dylan WITMARK DEMO vsn Chords (Standard - No Capo)
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‘Highway 61 Revisited’ Bob Dylan FULL ALBUM - GUITAR CHORDS
PlaylistDan’s Acoustic Corner10 tracks