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Lotti - Crucifixus for 8 voices
HARMONICO10154K views
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Mozart - Symphony #34 in C Major K 338
HARMONICO10120K views
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Vivaldi - Semiramide RV 733 "Con la face di megera"
HARMONICO10133K views
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Glass - Satyagraha - Act I: Tolstoy Farm
HARMONICO10167K views
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Glass - Satyagraha - Act II: Tagore - Confrontation & Rescue (2/2)
HARMONICO10146K views
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Glass - Satyagraha - Act II: Tagore - Confrontation & Rescue (1/2)
HARMONICO101142K views
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Bach - Missa Breve in G Minor BWV 235 - Mov. 6/6
HARMONICO10116K views
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Bach - Missa Breve in G Minor BWV 235 - Mov. 4-5/6
HARMONICO10110K views
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Bach - Missa Breve in G Minor BWV 235 - Mov. 2-3/6
HARMONICO10114K views
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Bach - Missa Breve in G Minor BWV 235 - Mov. 1/6
HARMONICO10121K views
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A. Vivaldi: Concertos and Sinfonias for Strings
PlaylistHARMONICO10120K views
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W. A. Mozart: Requiem in D Minor K. 626
PlaylistHARMONICO1015.5K views
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Classical Performance Videos
PlaylistHARMONICO1011K views
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A. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
PlaylistHARMONICO10146K views
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G. B. Pergolesi: Stabat Mater & Mass in F
PlaylistHARMONICO1014.7K views
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W. A. Mozart: 'Exultate Jubilate' K. 165
PlaylistHARMONICO101377 views
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For the Violin Student
PlaylistHARMONICO10128K views
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Zelenka: "Missa Votiva" in E Minor ZWV18
PlaylistHARMONICO1018.4K views
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J. J. C. Mondonville: Grand Motets
PlaylistHARMONICO10110K views