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Márton Illés: Three watercolors for small ensemble (2018)
munewp478 views
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Márton Illés: Three Watercolors for accordion, piano and string trio (2016)
munewp524 views
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Márton Illés: Psychogramm I. "Jajgatós" (wailing) for viola solo
munewp349 views
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Márton Illés: Ez-tér for orchestra (movements III.+IV.)
munewp286 views
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Márton illés Ez-tér I.+II.
munewp587 views
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Márton Illés: Én kör III for violin and violoncello Kopatchinskaja/Campbell
munewp1.1K views
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Drei Aquarelle:Trio Catch+S Zapf
munewp114 views
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Márton Illés: Re-akvarell for clarinet and orchestra 2015 (excerpt) 3rd movement
munewp321 views
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Márton Illés: Re-akvarell for clarinet and orchestra 2015 (excerpt) 2nd movement
munewp382 views
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Márton Illés: Re-akvarell for clarinet and orchestra (excerpt) 1st movement
munewp1.1K views