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Júlio Martí
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John Cassavetes & Bo Harwood - Rainy Fields of Frost and Magic (1974)
Júlio Martí40K views
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John Cassavetes & Bo Harwood - No One Around to Hear it (1974)
Júlio Martí60K views
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John Cassavetes & Bo Harwood - 01 IMPROV-It Was Quiet
Júlio Martí10K views
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I Hate You, Darling - Bobby Short Loves Cole Porter
Júlio Martí8.1K views
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Pablo Milanés - A Salvador Allende en su combate por la vida (1974 - Acústico)
Júlio Martí128K views
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Looking At You - Mabel Mercer Sings Cole Porter (1955)
Júlio Martí14K views
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Use Your Imagination - Mabel Mercer Sings Cole Porter (1955)
Júlio Martí5.1K views
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After You've Gone - Davis, Allen & Fowkes (Woody Allen With Strings)
Júlio Martí2.4K views
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Wild Man Blues - Davis, Allen & Fowkes (Woody Allen With Strings)
Júlio Martí1.8K views