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The Transition from Renaissance to Baroque music Part 3/ Richard Dering - Fantasia a 5 HD
LeoCerante1.2K views
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Read a polyphony with animated pointers / Noel Bauldeweyn Missa a 5* 'canonic structure subdiapason'
LeoCerante276 views
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The Transition from Renaissance to Baroque music Part 2/ Fontana - Sonata Terzadecima HD
LeoCerante1K views
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Weckmann's inventive and surprising Sonatas c.1650 - The pupils of Schütz series (Part 2) HD
LeoCerante1.3K views
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Gombert - Media vita in morte sumus, Motet (Polyphony) for 6 voices - HD
LeoCerante653 views
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Benedetto Re - Canzone a 4 , 1609 - A forgotten virtuosic dialogue from the early baroque HD
LeoCerante1.4K views
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The Transition from Renaissance to Baroque music Part 1 /Instrumental pieces by Bernardi & Guami HD
LeoCerante1.9K views
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The brilliant "Battaglia à 8" by Annibale Padovano (1590) HD
LeoCerante2.6K views
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Giovanni Legrenzi - Sonata "la buscha" à 6. Forgotten Early Baroque music HD (violini e cornetti)
LeoCerante2.5K views
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David Pohle, pupil of Heinrich Schütz - Sonata 23 à 6, Forgotten early Baroque composers HD
LeoCerante2K views